Spring 2025 Flower Share
Sign ups now available!
Flower Share Program
In an effort to continue offering our bespoke bouquets, we’ve had to make some changes to our CSA and evolve into a sustainable program. We will continue our menu based offerings, but Spring 2024 will be our last offering for a CSA program. The Spring program will begin in mid April and run through mid June with seven (7) bouquets. Our Summer program will continue in early July and run to late September/early October, with ten (10) bouquets.
Each offering will have a variety of bouquets to choose from in a carefully crafted menu of our farm grown + foraged florals. Bouquets will be offered in a mason jar, vase or other vessel, the choice will be yours. Pick up will be at 328North Studio @Greylock Works, on Farm, or other location, to be determined closer to commencement. Delivery is available for Williamstown + North Adams for a fee, per season.
“may our heart's garden of awakening bloom with hundreds of flowers.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh